The Episcopal Diocese
of New York

1047 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10025
Tel: (212) 316-7400

License to Officiate (LTO)  Report & Renewal Request Form

If you wish to renew your license, please complete and submit this form. In the Diocese of New York licenses are in effect from July 1st – June 30th, the report and renewal process takes place annually in June/July.

Questions? Contact Alito Orsini (aorsini@dioceseny.org), Liaison for Transition Ministry.

LTO Report & Renewal Form

Contact Info

Canonical Residence

Are you? (You may select more than one option or leave all blank.)

Please Provide Details of Your Place(s) of Employment/Non-Stipendiary Engagement

Are You Retired?

Please provide details of the churches and dates when you have provided supply over the last twelve months (July 1 to June 30).

If you don't see it, please scroll to the bottom, select "Other," and fill out the box.

Supply Instance 2

If you don't see it, please scroll to the bottom, select "Other," and fill out the box.

Supply Instance 3

If you don't see it, please scroll to the bottom, select "Other," and fill out the box.

Supply Instance 4

If you don't see it, please scroll to the bottom, select "Other," and fill out the box.

Supply Instance 5

If you don't see it, please scroll to the bottom, select "Other," and fill out the box.

Supply Instance 6

If you don't see it, please scroll to the bottom, select "Other," and fill out the box.

Form submission problems? Please scroll up to ensure that all required fields are properly completed.

Transition Office Contacts

Mr. Alito Orsini
Liaison to Canon for Ministry, Liaison to Canon for Transition Ministry

Office: 212-316-7414
Fax: 212-932-7368