Parish Buildings & Structure – Property Services

Diocesan Property Services

Property Services is dedicated to promoting the sound stewardship of the buildings and grounds of the congregations in the Diocese of New York. It offers a comprehensive program of financial aid, technical assistance and advocacy. The Program consists of the Property Support Committee, members of which are appointed by the Bishop of New York, and the Director of Diocesan Property Services, who serves as staff to the Committee.

Membership in the Property Support Committee consists of clergy and lay people with expertise in property maintenance, planning and other related fields. Appointed by the Bishop and serving with no compensation, their time and efforts are gifts to the Church. All decisions concerning grants and loans are made solely by the Committee.

The Director of Diocesan Property Services serves as staff to the Committee, manages the program, acts as an information clearing house, and administers grants and loans. In addition, the Director of Diocesan Property Services reviews leases, easements, and the sale of land subject to canon and state law. Through technical advice, consultations, workshops, financial aid, and advocacy, Property Services helps congregations help themselves care for their buildings and grounds.

Director of Property Services: